Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Frenchie Chirac is Anti-Muslim (?)

French President Jacques Chirac said Wednesday he will ask parliament to pass a law banning Islamic head scarves and other religious insignia in public schools, a dramatic and potentially explosive move aimed at shoring up the nation's secular tradition.

Chirac said he also wanted to open the way for businesses to impose the same ban. Muslim groups have denounced the proposal as discriminatory, saying it will stigmitize France's Muslim population, the largest in Western Europe.

Get the rest of the story from My Way (AP) News.

Matt's Chat

Shame, shame, shame, Mr. Chirac. Your liberal friends in America won't like this one bit!

Mark's Remarks

Wow, the supposed lovers of all freedoms banning free religious expression! Sounds like the Liberal Left in America, doesn't it?

Mr. Chirac, you are going to alienate those al-Queda votes you were banking on by not supporting the war against terror!