There Has Been Another Hans Blix Sighting
Iraq probably destroyed its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the early 1990s, the former United Nations chief weapons inspector Hans Blix has said.
Speaking to the BBC's World Service, Mr Blix said he was more certain than ever that there was no WMD in Iraq.
Mr Blix said the capture of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was important, as he may reveal at what stage he might have destroyed them.
Speaking to the BBC's Newshour programme, Mr Blix said he hoped Saddam Hussein would now reveal the truth about his chemical, biological and nuclear programmes.
"I doubt that he will reveal any WMD, because I think both we UN inspectors and the American inspectors have been looking around and come to the conclusion that there aren't any," Mr Blix said.
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Matt's Chat
Look out when the Baathist Broadcasting Comapny rolls out Hans "My Fifteen Minutes Were Up Years Ago" Blix because you know a hatchet job is coming.Mr. Blix, I can't say anything about the British search, but I know that the American search hasn't reached any final conclusions yet, because the report hasn't been released yet. I think it would be best of you stuck to the facts and keep your opinions to yourself on things that you do not know anything about. You have no clue what the American search group has discovered or not found; only Mr. Kay and his team know that. So kindly shut up. Thanks a lot.
Mark's Remarks
And, Mr. Blix, wasn't it your inspectors who were kicked out for about 5 years or so, during which time conditions may or may not have changed? Therefore, what in the blue hell do you know if Iraq had any or not? You were too busy posturing and trying to figure out your position while the real searching was going on! The previous chief inspectors were so much more competent, but I guess that is what ails you. You will go down in history as an inept little man, with a bad accent, who drones on and makes Kissinger's speeches seem like music to the ears. Would you kindly take your buddy Saddam's place in the spiderhole and not come out, for, say 50 years.