Gadhafi Says Iraq War Had Role in His Decision
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, in an exclusive interview with CNN, acknowledged Monday that the war in Iraq may have played a role in his decision to dismantle his country's weapons of mass destruction programs.
He also told CNN's Andrea Koppel that though his country has certain programs and machines, it has no chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear arms.
"We have not these weapons," he said, adding that the programs he is prepared to dismantle "would have been for peaceful purposes -- but nevertheless we decided to get rid of them completely.
Hans Blix, former chief U.N. weapons inspector, said he imagined "Gadhafi could have been scared by what he saw happen in Iraq."
Asked about his decision, Gadhafi acknowledged that the Iraq war may have influenced him, but he insisted he wanted to focus on the "positive."
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Matt's Chat
I am not at all surprised... Also, maybe the Libyan leader can get it through to Hans Blix that his fifteen minutes are up...Mark's Remarks
You know, I really hate to tell liberals this but: we told you so! we told you so! Peace through strength works. To that one lib hamster congressman I saw on fox who said that "the libya deal shows straight diplomacy works," listen to Mr. Quadaffi, eh? He saw his little extremist allies either getting caught in spider holes or living in caves, and he knew his days would be numbered if he kept up his actions. So, he said, I give. Wow, as with the Soviet Union, peace through strength is causing terror nations to rethink their ideas. Hmm.....I guess military buildups do work AGAIN, after all, huh? Makes you wonder if we could have circumvented all this 9/11 tragedy if maybe Clinton could have actually supported our military instead of gutting it, huh? I wonder.....