Dean Still Doesn't Get It
Howard Dean punched back Sunday at his Democratic rivals who have been stepping up their attacks on the former Vermont governor.
"Now my opponents are trying to stop me,'' Dean says in a TV ad running in New Hampshire. "Remember, they are not trying to stop me -- they are trying to stop you.''
Dean said the raising of the threat level to "orange'' on Sunday proved his point.
Dean is "playing with words,'' said Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) in Manchester.
Get the rest of this story from the Chicago Sun-Times.
Matt's Chat
Dean doesn't understand the fundamental difference between the words "safer" and safe." America is indeed, most definitely, SAFER with Saddam in custody. By no means does the capture of Saddam make America SAFE...there are plenty of folks out there who want to see us and our way of life dead. Saddam funded a few of them, so we are unquestionably safer with him under control.Mark's Remarks
You know, Mr. Dean, if your buddy Algore ran the country, we would never have a terror alert system, so the country would be without a clue. Mr. Dean, you are very reckless with your charges and smear, and I hope more people take you to task for them. We are safer than we would have been if Saddam were still roaming about, as are our soldiers safer. You don't mean to tell me, Mr. Dean, that you would not care if our soldiers are safer do you? Surely not.
Mr. Dean, you have had a free pass so far with your oddball talk about whackjob theories, and some morally vacant and intellectually bankrupt liberal hamster types have bought into it, turning their little wheels of hatred over and over. However, Mr. Dean, there are actually Americans out there who think and reflect on your garbage and who will line against you. Mr. Dean, I hope you get a clue before the chickens come home to roost with someone you love, when they may be in the line of fire. You sir, have no clue, you have no vision, all you have is drivel and rhetoric.