Kerry Calling Kettle Black
John Kerry says Howard Dean speaks too glibly and hasn't a clue. Sound familiar? Read the story here.
Mark's Remarks
OK, Mr. talk about the misstatements Dean has made, and you are exactly right. However, do you not remember, you, yourself and these gems:
1. first you were for the war, then against the war, then for the threats of force, then who knows what..
2. In a magazine that our young people read, you thought it hip to launch "f" bombs about a sitting President. Great example setting of respect for govt. officials, there Johnny Boy.
3. Your campaign is so bad you have people quitting right and left as you try to find scapegoats.
4. You are SO WILDLY POPULAR that you have to mortgage your house to raise campaign money.
5. You have talked at length about Bush's supposed culpability in Enron even while you and your wife were chummy with Ken Lay, and he gave your campaign money, and served on boards of many of your wife's charities.
These are but a few of your misstatements and phaupas (sp?). You sir, are just as much a sad joke as Mr. Dean, except that for some reason Dean has resonated with the black helicopter crowd, and you have just echoed into the abyss. You both have not a clue and have no business being president, especially when you try to constantly justify everything you do by bringing up your military service. Serving in the military does not excuse you from decency sir, and you insult the men and women you served by using it as a crutch.