Kerry: Wants to Put Catalytic Converters on Cows?
John Kerry said Monday that he would combat growing asthma rates by applying clean air laws to farms and taking steps to improve indoor air quality. Read the story here.
Matt's Chat
More government is not the solution to anything. John F-ing. Kerry continues to go down this old road again and again. Senator, please try to come up with a new idea...Mark's Remarks
OK, John F'n Kerry, what do you want to do to curb pollution? Legislate the number of times cows take a crap? You go into farm country and want to discuss more legislation on farmers? Who does your voter research, really? I mean, do you honestly think American farmers want MORE government regulation, when much of what government regulation has done is to cause more family farms to decline....Dude, you maybe should fire a few more people. It has done wonders for your campaign so far. Give me a break. You want to legislate manure? Come on.....Buy a clue.