Tuesday, December 30, 2003

French Reporter Gets Canned for Book That Tells It Like It Was

Reporter Alain Hertoghe's book accused the French press of not being objective in its coverage of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. His newspaper fired him.

The book, "La Guerre a Outrances" (The War of Outrages), criticizes the French reporting for continually predicting the war would end badly for the U.S.-led coalition.

"Readers can't understand why the Americans won the war," Hertoghe said in a telephone interview. "The French press wasn't neutral."

The book, published Oct. 15, charges French reporters were more patriotic than journalistic and what was written amounted to disinformation.

It examines daily coverage by five major French dailies, including Hertoghe's own La Croix, in the three weeks from the first strikes on Baghdad on March 20 to April 9 when Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s regime fell.

"As soon as there were a couple of wounded, of dead, they were talking about Vietnam, Stalingrad," Hertoghe said.

In contrast, work by journalists traveling with U.S. troops indicated that "the war was advancing well," he said.

Get the AP report from Yahoo News.

Matt's Chat

Finally a Frenchie gets it right and he gets fired...

Mark's Remarks

It is part of the Standard M.O. of liberals. If you disagree with the elite press, you are going to pay with your job...or worse. Look at Tim below, myself in my job, or many others. There is a blacklist, except it is not about rampant McCarthyism. It is about Rampant Clintonism and political correctness. We have to fight against those who would trample on the rights of us to speak out. Liberals only care about free speech when it agrees with them. They are supporters of Marxism, which gave birth to some of the most despicable regimes in history, when it came to freedom of dissent. Maybe they should spend more time with American History and Civics than in trying to change a system they have no clue about, as they probably spent civics class sleeping or doodling. Instead of getting involved having knowledge of the greatest nation on earth, they come in with the elitist dogma out there. That is why they will fail: they have a house of cards built on nothing. We have a firm rock built on the blood, sweat and tears of patriots from Lexington and Concord to the sands of Iwo Jima to the dunes of Kabul and Tikrit. We have America, they have stuff from the dustbin of history. However, if we do not speak out and educate those questioning, we will allow the libs to win with their Hollyweird revision of history. We cannot allow this to happen. WE have to get the truth out there, and be vigilant that our schools and others are providing the facts, not just revision of what happened and dogma. WE have to make sure we discuss our glorious history, including the down times, because America has done more than ANY other nation to be as perfect as possible, and we have made tremendous strides. However, if we do not get the word out, we will let the libs win. Unfortunately, in Paris, it appears they already have. This person's book should be sent to all French people who desire to know the truth.