NYT Softballs Hillary's Loud Talk
Hillary from Westchester was on the line, and she was upset.
"Literally, I have been accused of everything from murder on down," the first-time caller complained. "And it's hurtful and personally distressing when it first happens. But when it continues . . ."
Hillary was Hillary Rodham Clinton, the junior United States senator from New York, who surprised Brian Lehrer by unexpectedly phoning his call-in show on WNYC radio in New York this month to respond to a sensational charge that a listener had made about her and her husband.
There was a time when Mrs. Clinton did her best to fade into the woodwork and be seen as just another lawmaker on Capitol Hill. But these days, the woman who started her Senate candidacy with a "listening tour" cannot stop talking — or so it seems to politicians and strategists in both parties.
Get the puff piece from the New York Times, the so-called "paper of record."
Matt's Chat
This crap was intended to reassure us, the little people, that Hillary is still human. I'm not buying it. Hillary is still a socialist radical bent on destruction of America. It is only a matter of time before she makes that completely obvious now that she has turned on her political handlers. You see, folks, Hillary thinks we've forgotten that she nearly got away with obliterating our health care system. She thinks we are too stupid to recall that she was actually the "brains" of the Clinton administration. Her "solutions" are more taxes and more governmental control. Nothing new there, and the volume control on the voice doesn't work either.Personally, I think she ought to divorce Bill and get with Howard Dean. They'd make the perfect couple. Angry and radical...
Mark's Remarks
Mrs. Clinton cries about the accusations being levelled against her. Well, there is a heck of a lot more evidence FOR THOSE allegations than the ones that her and her party make about President Bush. Grow up Mrs. Clinton, you chose to be a public figure, and a controversial one at that. I wonder why she only calls friendly shows, why isn't she calling Sean Hannity or Limbaugh to dispute their charges? Is she afraid of an in person showdown? I know for a fact that Hannity has been trying to get her for 2 years to come on his show. Of course, she will not. What is she afraid of, if the charges and such are so venomous? She is afraid of not being in control, of having to show that shrew defense mechanism she uses so well.....To Mrs. Clinton and calling into shows or responding to charges, I say: BRING IT....