Monday, December 22, 2003

Person of the Year

They swept across Iraq and conquered it in 21 days. They stand guard on streets pot-holed with skepticism and rancor. They caught Saddam Hussein. They are the face of America, its might and good will, in a region unused to democracy. The U.S. G.I. is TIME's Person of the Year.
For uncommon skills and service, for the choices each one of them has made and the ones still ahead, for the challenge of defending not only our freedoms but those barely stirring half a world away, the American soldier is TIME's Person of the Year.

Get the bit from TIME Magazine.

Matt's Chat

This is a fantastic honor for the men and women of our armed forces! Well deserved accolade.

Here is a quote from the accompanying story that I'm not quite sure what to make of...

Scholars can debate whether the Bush Doctrine is the most muscular expression of national interest in a half-century; the generals may ponder whether warmaking or peacekeeping is the more fearsome assignment; civilians will remember a winter wrapped in yellow ribbons and duct tape. But in a year when it felt at times as if we had nothing in common anymore, we were united in this hope: that our men and women at arms might soon come safely home, because their job was done. They are the bright, sharp instrument of a blunt policy, and success or failure in a war unlike any in history ultimately rests with them.

I strongly believe that the Bush Doctrine is the right policy statement at the right time and for the right purpose. We can not let those who support and engage in terrorism to operate without consequence because if we do, civilization loses.

Peacekeeping has always been harder than warmaking. Defense is always more complicated than attack. When a military force takes the offensive, the unknowns are reduced because the attacker knows when he is going to strike. When you are on the defensive team, you have to maintain readiness at all times wondering when whatever is going to happen happens.

As for yellow ribbons and duct tape, I don't think there is enough of this actually. People will never be able to support the troops ENOUGH to reward them for what they do. And most people will ignore the terror alert status and won't be any more aware of what is happening around them. Instead, they'll leave that to the government because that is what they are used to doing.

"Nothing in common"? WHAT! A majority of Americans SUPPORT this war. TIME and the rest of Big Media better get used to it. I do agree that we all share the hope that our soldiers will come home soon...most want them to come home in VICTORY; I'm not sure what the official position of TIME Magazine is on that subject though.

"Blunt policy"? Yep. You betca it is a blunt policy. What was TIME Magazine expecting? More million dollar missiles fired off at $10 tents that blow up camels? That was the last administration. This President has taken decisive action with a coalition of willing partners against an axis of evil that uses and supports terrorism with the intent of destroying us and our way of life.

The honor belongs to the soldiers, airmen, and marines. It is well earned and I think TIME finally got one of these right.

Mark's Remarks

Amen, but liberals don't worry, Time did their best to provide subtle smear in the article on the Bush admin. so you won't have to take away their Big Media Elite membership cards. However, congrats to our American Soldiers, they are well deserving of the honor, and Time finally got one right after a great while of screwing em up.