Vatican Distances From Saddam Loving Cardinal
"The thinking of the Holy Father for the World Day of Peace is fully contained in his message," said the senior official, speaking on grounds of anonymity. "Cardinal Martino added his own personal point of view."
Martino's secretary said the cardinal had no intention of replying.
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Matt's Chat
No excuse. A man of this cardinal's position should not be allowed to get away with this kind of gaffe. The man is a disgrace to Catholicism, the Vatican, and his position as a cardinal. I'm surprised the Vatican hasn't taken a page out the American bishops playbook and transferred him to another post.The Vatican has a LOT to apologize for in regards to the war in the first place. Further hubris from the pontiff's administration will only make matters worse.
Mark's Remarks
Not being Catholic, I cannot exhibit the indignation that Matt has. However, the cardinal seems to have gone beyond good thought and gotten into a political mess. This cardinal should be censured, and he should have his authority stripped, but not knowing the ins and outs of Catholic law, I do not know if that is possible. It is good to know that the Pontiff does not share the view of the cardinal in question, but he could have been a bit more forthcoming.