Wednesday, January 28, 2004

BREAKING: US to Launch Spring Attack

From Fox News:

The U.S. military is planning a major offensive in Afghanistan along the Afghan-Pakistani border this spring, Pentagon officials have confirmed to Fox News, but officials would not divulge whether it would involve moving troops into Pakistan.

According to military sources, a small number of U.S. special forces troops have already been working with Pakistani forces in the tribal sections of Pakistan, but those have been covert operations — small teams designed to hunt Taliban and Al Qaeda figures hiding in villages throughout the area.

U.S. officials have suspected that Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters travel back and forth, over the border, shifting hiding places and seeking refuge in friendly villages in Pakistan.

Senior Defense officials still believe Usama bin Laden and top Al Qaeda leaders are in the region as well. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (search) has been very adamant that U.S. troops cannot cross into Pakistan and that Pakistani forces will be stepping up the hunt for terrorists along the border.

But in December 2003 there were two very sophisticated assassination attempts on Musharraf, from which he narrowly escaped.

Matt's Chat

I'm not sure this is something that media should be reporting, but since they have...

I think it would be a tremedous win for America if we could capture or confirm the death of Osama bin Laden.

My criticism of the Iraq war is that it took away from the collective conscious of the American people the images and emotion of September 11th. Now that Saddam has been captured, refocusing on Osama is logical and long overdue.

Mark's Remarks

I have a relative who has been into Afghanistan and across the world. They still believe UBL is there. He tends to sneak in and out of Afghanistan and Pakistan, back and forth.

I agree that this should not be reported, but if they didn't, then it would be a secret initiative and would be criticized. This admin is damned if they do and damned if they do not.