Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Imminent Threat

More from today's briefing.

Q: Does the President now believe that, in fact, while the threat was gathering, while the threat may have been grave, that, in fact, it was not imminent?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think we've said all along that it was a grave and gathering threat. And that in a post-September 11th world, you must confront gathering threats before it's too late.

I think some in the media have chosen to use the word "imminent."

Matt's Chat

These guys are still on this media/liberal lie too... The only thing missing from this briefing is HALLIBURTON.

Mark's Remarks

Look, ladies and gentlemen, FOR THE LAST TIME: IT WAS A GATHERING AND GRAVE THREAT, Prez did not say immient, that was all spin by Teddy and the libs. UGH!!! How many freakin times do we have to say it?

All this talk of what kind of threat, it really is asinine and shows how much the libs like to play word games and twist things around. Look, as Dr. Kay pointed out today, Saddam was hunting for weapons and had programs, and that knowledge was probably for sale by his corrupt subordinates and would have been made available to terrorists. Then, we would see what an imminent threat could be.

I am tired of libs saying the Prez said immient threat. That is a lie, but that is what libs do. I am tired of libs doing this word twisting, tired of their little misleader commercials, tired of their whole bag. The world is safer with Saddam gone, and he would have become a very imminent threat if left alone. Now take a big sip of shut up juice and move on.