Thursday, January 15, 2004

Dean Filed Papers For Abusive Trooper?

In his presidential campaign, and as governor of Vermont before that, Howard Dean has taken a tough, zero-tolerance stand on domestic violence, accusing the Bush administration of not being committed to the issue. Yet Dean said he had no idea that one of the men closest to him was repeatedly abusing his wife.
However, everyone around Dean seemed to know...Read the story here, that Dean's people tried to suppress, according to Matt Drudge.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, so another pet issue of Dean's, and yet another case of hypocrisy. Sounds like more classical cases of denial.

You filed an affidavit in a private matter, as governor? Wouldn't be trying to throw your weight around, would you?

He still denies knowing, but ABCnews found his own words saying he was warned days after filing the affidavit, that his guard was an abuser, yet he did nothing....

Ok, this is a man who says that domestic abuse is an important issue, and that the Bush Administration has done nothing. He allowed someone whom people told the governor that he was an abuser to stay on his payroll as head of security, and even filed an affidavit on his behalf....Wow, Howeird, you really do care about domestic abuse victims, don't you?

Could details of the Madore investigation be some of the papers Dean had sealed, so we would not know of this incident? Madore was later fired in 2000 for domestic abuse allegations, but he was never prosecuted as the statute of limitations ran out. He is appealing his removal because he thinks it was political, believing he was burned by Dean. Gee, sounds like the way the Clintons treated their underlings? Maybe this guy is not so far out of joint with them as he would like us to believe. Let's see: a whacky career driven wife, a tempermental candidate who shouts down detractors, and allegations involving troopers assigned to his detail? Wow, it does sound like the Clintons. All we need now is a few interns and some money changing hands, and it will be just like Willie all over again.

Just more questions about this man's true values, platform and character, or LACK THEREOF.

This was Mark, thanks for reading.