Thursday, January 15, 2004

Renfield Clark: Who Are You Lying to?

Wes Clark has said he has been consistent with regards to the War in Iraq. Two months ago Democratic hopeful Wesley Clark declared in a debate that he has always been firmly against the current Iraq War.

"I've been very consistent... I've been against this war from the beginning," the former general said in Detroit on October 26.

"I was against it last summer, I was against it in the fall, I was against it in the winter, I was against it in the spring. And I'm against it now."

But just six month prior in an op-ed in the LONDON TIMES Clark offered praise for the courage of President Bush's action. He also testified before Congress in favor of the Iraq War. Read this Drudge Exclusive here.

Matt's Chat

This has been a LONG time coming. I think Dr. No had Clark pegged when he said that he (Dean) thought Clark was a nice guy, but Republican. I'm not sure I'd claim him at this point if I were Republican Party leadership, but Dean's assertion sure makes sense in light of this information.

Clark is an egomaniacal lunatic. That's the only reason why he got in this race in the first place...

Mark's Remarks

Maybe Mary his assistant changed his mind for him. Maybe Renfield briefly came out from under the spell of Willicula and the Bride of such, Hillary, and had a backbone, before falling back under the spell of the bloodsuckers. Either way, it shows once again that the Dim-o-crapic frontrunners have no backbone, no core values. They shift in the wind.

Just a few months ago, Wes Clark was singing the praises of Blair and Bush. Now he is carelessly making impossible guarantees against future attacks. How irresponsible! How so like William Jefferson Clinton! It just goes to show you who is pulling his strings.

Wes Clark testified before Congress saying we should not call this a preemptive action. Yet, what has he called it before the American people? You guessed it, a preemptive action. Who were you lying to, Mr. Clark? Did you perjure yourself before Congress, or the American people? Both are egregious crimes, sir, and further proof of your own lack of backbone. You were a paper general, sir, politically moving your way up the top, and you were REMOVED from command. I want to hear why. I hope it comes out so we can see your true self. I mean, you talk about your successful endeavors in Kosovo...How are they successful? The bloodshed and ethnic cleansing continues there even now. That is a success in Wes Clark foreign policy? Then give me more "failures" as Iraq, where the attacks are going down, we are winning the peace, and the people are enjoying more freedom.

Whoever you lied to, it shows you, like your stringpullers, the vampiric Clintons, will do or say anything to get power, because that is all you care about. You do not care about the American people, or America's soldiers, who you used to serve with. You only care for yourself and your nosferatu masters.

This was Mark, thanks for reading.