Saturday, January 03, 2004

Dean Record on Homeland Security: Not So Good

The documents contrast with Dean's position as a presidential candidate who has portrayed himself as more concerned about nuclear security than Bush.

"Our most important challenge will be to address the most dangerous threat of all: catastrophic terrorism using weapons of mass destruction," Dean said in his speech in Los Angeles last month. "Here, where the stakes are highest, the current administration has, remarkably, done the least."

Dean also has suggested Bush was unprepared before and after Sept. 11 to fight terrorism. "We are in danger of losing the war on terror, because we are fighting it with the strategies of the past," the Democratic candidate said.
In 1992, the NRC provided information to Dean about "declining performances at Vermont Yankee in three important areas: plant security, engineering/technical support and safety assessment/quality verification," documents show.

Dean responded by writing the head of the plant that the problems could "have an impact on the health and safety of the people of Vermont" and "it is my expectation that you will do all in your power to correct this declining trend." It was one of several such letters he wrote.
Environmental groups sent Dean repeated letters about the plant's security and safety. During a 1998 federal security test, mock terrorists sneaked a fake gun past security and six times scaled, undetected, the plant's security perimeter fence.

The 1998 test was alarming because seven years earlier, protesters had managed to breach the same security by scaling the fence or rafting down an adjacent river. The 2001 security test again penetrated Vermont Yankee's security.

Get the whole story from My Way News.

Matt's Chat

Dr. No is still projecting...silly liberal hamster...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, Dr. No Mo Howeird Dean McGovern Dukakis is still saying ridiculously foolish things, in light of his record? Who is surprised? Not me. Although, this makes Dean a perfect fit for a Dimocratic Liberal president. Look at the last one. He lost the nuke launch codes at least twice, and he also sold our missile technology to communist China, and by proxy, North Korea. Wow, Dean sounds more and more like an angrier Willie, only more maniacal. He has all Willie's faults and all Hillary's venom. Egads, is Dean their illegitimate son?