Thursday, January 29, 2004

Dems: Green Cards for Everybody!

From the Washington Times

House Democrats yesterday proposed granting legal residency and the eventual option of U.S. citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants now working in the United States.

Laying out their own principles for revamping the nation's immigration laws in response to what House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called President Bush's "political ploy," Democrats went beyond Mr. Bush's plan for a temporary-worker program and called for a system of "earned legalization" for illegal aliens.
Mrs. Pelosi said Mr. Bush's recently proposed plan doesn't create a meaningful way for illegal aliens to become U.S. residents or citizens; doesn't reduce the backlog of U.S. citizens' petitions on behalf of relatives who are here illegally; and doesn't help tens of thousands of teenage illegals attend college here and eventually be granted legal status.

Matt's Chat

Hey Botox, the problem that we had with the President's plan is that we thought it rewarded illegal behavior. As we learned at the State of the Union, that's not what he's trying to do. Your plan, on the other hand, puts up a sign that says "Break Our Laws, We Appreciate That Behavior" and it won't sit well with the American people. Would it surprise you to know that 56% of Americans disliked or had no opinion on the President's plan (although 70% of Hispanics liked it). (Asa side note, in that same poll, 85% of Americans thought English should be the official language. That is more telling on the immigration issue, I think, than anything else. It isn't a matter of wanting these people out, it is a matter of wanting immigrants to come here legally and to respect our culture.)

Liberalism of this magnitude is dangerous to the security of our nation. With homeland security being a primary issue in this election year, the Democrats plan will crash and burn. It should never have been brought out at this time, but they couldn't let the President have the Hispanic vote. The Hispandering continues...

Mark's Remarks

And some of the conservatives out there fear the President's plan? This plan is absolute nonsense, and it makes the President's plan look more sensible every minute. While I do not wholly agree with the President's idea, I do think it makes far more sense than this crap from Botox Pelosi, queen of the permanently surprised gaze....nice surgeon, Nancy...who was it, Dr. Phibes? (a Vincent Price reference)