Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Hillary Tries Health Care Again

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to focus this year on improving health care, beginning with a proposal designed to modernize the sharing of medical information nationwide.

The senator, who as first lady presided over a failed effort at health care overhaul, told a gathering of about 100 New York City health care leaders at a Manhattan hospital on Monday that the current system "often seems fragmented, redundant, inefficient and bureaucratic."

"Americans need a new, modern, 21st-century version of health care delivery, based on the premise of information in the hands of the right people at the right time," Clinton said.
Clinton, D-N.Y., fought unsuccessfully a decade ago to expand affordable health care. The initiative died after industry interests and many members of Congress resisted to what they called a confusing bureaucracy.

Clinton has said she learned lessons from the failure.

Get the full story from the Las Vegas Sun

Matt's Chat

What did she learn? If she didn't learn that socialized medicine doesn't work, she needs to go back to class.

Mark's Remarks

Yes, she learned to keep the facts of her case secret until it is already passed. Then we will have to suffer at her imperial bidding. Look, the Soviet Union and even England proves socialized medicine is not a good fit for America. Ronald Reagan recalls this story, which I am taking from a radio address of his:

I recall meeting a woman who was beautiful, except for some scars on her face....I asked her how she liked socialized medicine, and she said, we don't have to pay for anything....of course, it took a couple of years for them to work on my face, and I am still waiting on some surgery....Then, with a little less confidence, she said, But, we don't have to pay for it, it is free.

Wow, do we want that for America? Waiting lists for surgery? I don't think so....Tell Hillary that her first proposal was enough. Tell her to go back to the gas station and ask Mahatma Gandhi for some other pearl of wisdom.