Monday, January 12, 2004

Mexican President: Amnesty Isn't Enough

Mexican President Vicente Fox yesterday said he favors open borders across North America, not amnesty for his countrymen illegally residing in the United States.

The alien work program announced last week by President Bush would not encourage aliens to remain in the United States, because they love their home country, the Mexican president told the "Fox News Sunday" program.

"We are not looking for an amnesty [for] Mexico. It's not that we're looking for these Mexicans working productively in the United States to become U.S. citizens. They like tacos, they like their families, they like their community, they like Mexico. Unfortunately, they don't have the opportunities that they would like to have as persons, so that's why they move," Mr. Fox said.

Get the rest of the story from the Washington Times.

Matt's Chat

Give him an inch, and he'll want a mile... This is bad policy and this is why. We don't owe Mexico ANYTHING. Not the country, and not the citizens. If Mr. Fox wants his citizens to have opportunities, I'd suggest that he get Mexico straightened out. The United States is not responsible for securing opportunities for the citizens of Mexico. President Bush would do well to remind President Fox of that fact.

Mark's Remarks

OK, Matt, where does it say he is demanding more than the present program? Where is it saying he wants MORE than amnesty? As far as I can read, and maybe I am not trying to read into things anymore, I don't know, but as far as I can tell he is simply saying that this program of Bush's is not amnesty. Where does he say he demands more than amnesty. In fact, it looks in some ways to me that he does not want amnesty.

Now, do I like Mr. Fox? Nope, I think he in some ways IS conning the President. But, from this article I do not see where he is demanding more than amnesty. In fact, it says he does not favor amnesty for his illegal countrymen.

Do I think Mr. Fox has some serious issues? You betcha. He takes a culture that is a thousand years old and breaks it down to tacos. I think he has some self stereotyping and self loathing issues to deal with. However, in this case, I do not see the taking a mile you are talking about.

Do I think Mr. Fox needs to work on Mexico so people do not want to leave? Yep. But, again, I think you are letting the pundits color your analysis a little much, my friend. I do not see this demanding you are saying.... The guy wants open borders between the three North American countries, but that doesn' t mean he is demanding them or anything as I see it, but, that is just me. His talking about open borders does not mean he is going to get them.

Do I think Bush is timing this wrong? Yep. At least Reagan waited til he was reelected to get some controversial programs on the table. This was not the smartest move, at least to me, politically.

Lastly, on the temporary work program, here are some very enlightening thoughts from another blogger that make a lot of sense. Thanks to Discount Blogger for highlighting them. I am not still in the let's do it in group in regards to the program, but I am not going to be like some conservatives (unfortunately Sean Hannity among them) who are putting their fingers in their ears and only hearing amnesty. I think the author in the link here has some important points that would be positives. Am I advocating open borders? Not quite yet. Our security is not quite ready for that. But to do more would probably cause liberals to get their panties in a wad over "atmosphere of fear," "siege mentality," etc. when all we are doing is making things secure.

This was Mark...thanks for reading.

UPDATE: Matt Extends Remarks

President Fox clearly says that he wants the US/Mexican border opened up so that Mexicans can seek opportunities in America. From the opening statment in the quote above, it seems clear to the writer that Fox thinks amnesty doesn't go far enough. At this point, I just hope that the President doesn't abdicate to Mexico because it doesn't seem to me that the President is taking this issue as seriously as he should. Isn't it odd that that the Dims aren't talking about this policy? It's as if they actually LIKE it. That's more than enough for me to not like it. Throw in the fact that it isn't smart homeland security strategy and I'm pretty much dead set against it.

Here is a direct quote from the article, "Mr. Fox said all immigration barriers should be removed to allow people to live and work in the country of their choosing, whether it be Mexico, the United States or Canada. "

Amnesty isn't what he's talking about. Amnesty won't matter if he gets his way. The illegals would be legal. Listen to this guy sometime, he can't even admit that there are illegals here NOW. It is as if he expects the United States to set aside all our laws for Mexicans. I don't see anything in the article that would lead me to believe that he doesn't want to take over America, legally or illegally... It is a silly position to take, I admit, but I really get a funny feeling about this guy and his motives.