Wednesday, January 14, 2004

"If we ignore these behaviors ... our moral fiber as a people becomes weakened. ... We must take unilateral action."

Who said these words, in favor of unilateral action? Ronald Reagan? George W. Bush? Nope, Howard Dean, Mr. anti-Unilateral, in a letter to President Clinton in 1995. Read the story here. Here is the text of the letter.

Matt's Chat

Gov. Dean is just like all the rest of these candidates: an opportunist. They don't have a platform of real ideas and what they think is working is Bush bashing. It won't be enough to win, but it will gain them plenty of noteriety in the mean time. The problem with these guys, including Dean, is that they don't have a single solid conviction upon which to build a moral foundation. Without such a base, none of these candidates will be able to attract enough support to unseat the President. Which is just fine with me...

Mark's Remarks

One word for Mr. Dean: Hypocrite.

His spokesman is spinning this away, but let's look at some results. The genocide is still going on in Kosovo and Bosnia, the graves are still being filled. In Iraq, the graves are not being filled from genocide anymore. Mr. Dean, you are a are no better than the master flipper, Wes Clark, or Twisting in the Wind Jean Kerry. You are pandering to the ignorant antiwar crowd of college kids, who believe everything their leftist professors tell them and don't know the real world. You, sir, are nothing worse than a demagogue hypocritical socialist liberal. I pray you never get to the White House, except to take the tour. This was Mark, thanks for reading.