Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Voice of Dissent

U.S. Sen. Zell Miller, a Georgia Democrat who has frequently broken with his party to support Republican policies, has agreed to campaign for President Bush's reelection, a campaign spokesman said on Tuesday.

The move gives the campaign a major name for its efforts to organize Democrats for Bush around the country, after a similar push struggled in 2000.

It also represents a further step in the Republican party's effort to solidify its hold on the South, where the retirement of several senior Democratic senators could help Republicans widen their majority in the Senate.

"He (Miller) will serve as a top surrogate for the president this year and help spread the word about the president's leadership," Bush campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel said.

Miller, accompanied by other Georgia Democrats, is to introduce the president at a Bush campaign fundraiser in Atlanta on Thursday, Stanzel said.

Miller representatives were not immediately available for comment. The Georgia Democrat, who said a year ago he would not seek reelection this year, has previously announced his support for Bush's reelection, calling him "the right man at the right time."

The Democratic National Committee dismissed Miller's plans to campaign for Bush. "Zell Miller hasn't helped a Democrat in years, and as my mother always said, don't let the door hit you on the way out," said party spokeswoman Debra DeShong.

See the article from Reuters.

Matt's Chat

Two things about this piece jump out at me...

First, if you read Senator Miller's book, you will find just how much it pains him to have to support a Republican. The senator is intellectually honest and isn't afraid to do what is right for the country regardless of politics. I salute that (again) and wish him all the best.

Second, check out the venom from the DNC spokesperson. I thought the Democrats were all about supporting the voice of dissent. There is plenty of it in their party and I find it rather interesting that those who oppose the radical left are the ones who are getting shut out by the Democrats.

Zell is a centrist, moderate. Both parties NEED guys just like him. The Democrats will not win without these guys and their voters. Bush hating won't be enough and it is all they got...

Mark's Remarks

I applaud Senator Miller for his courage. I am sure his heart is saddened by the venom his own "family" is spewing at him. This was a man who was head of the party in Georgia, who campaigned for Carter and Clinton, and whom Clinton claimed was key in his campaign. He introduced Clinton to Carville and others who helped Clinton and the DNC. How soon they forget! Zell, you are always welcome on this side of the aisle. We don't forget loyalty, unlike the venomous vipers in charge of your party. I am sorry you had to experience even an old friend like Jimmy "Peanutboy" Carter turn on you after about 2 or 3 decades of friendship. But, it shows that he, like Willieboy Clinton, are more concerned with themselves than friendships or anything. It is all about their legacy, or rehabilitating it. I am sorry for your pain, Senator Miller, but thank you for being intellectually honest and being a standup American. You, sir, are a true patriot. A shame your own party could not simply honor that, but they take the Goebbels approach to dissent--curse and attempt to crush it. And this is the party that uses Jefferson's name. For shame. Thank goodness for honest men like Zell Miller.

It is also telling the DNC response: a childlike slam of "don't let the door hit you." How telling....of how these folks don't care about men who are lifelong democrats leaving the party or not supporting it. They do not care. It shows how they feel about dissent. Did they ask him for his reasons? Did they listen. No, they just spout off childish phrases. It is no wonder they are growing ever more shrill and out of touch, and have to put up whackos like Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, and others as potentially "serious" candidates. Oh how Tom Jefferson, FDR must be spinning in their graves. The party of Scoop Jackson and Kennedy has now become the party of Childish Taunts and F Words. For shame.

This was Mark...Thanks for reading.