Tuesday, January 13, 2004

IN THE CROSSHAIRS: PAUL O'NEILL, and no, I do not mean the former Cincy Red and New York Yankee

Mr. Paul O'Neill certainly has been making news this week, with his new book out and all, showing classified documents on national TV, and slamming the President and such. I just want to take the time to highlight what a WHACKJOB this guy is and Thank Goodness he got the can. Folks, this guy has a very bad case of split personality mixed with sour grapes. Let's dig in, shall we?

First of all, the guy is two-faced, a duplicit traitor. One has to question his motives in writing this book. Because, shortly after he was fired, he had these things to say: "'I'm a supporter of the institution of the presidency, and I'm determined not to say any negative things about the president and the Bush administration." What happened there Paul, a few extra zeroes in the book proposal change your mind? Suskind's presentation of you being scorned change your mind? Or, are you out of your mind?

Second, the guy slams the President on this whole Iraq planning thing, yet today he was on Today defending the President. Which is it Mr. O'Neill? Are you finally realizing the whirlwind you are reaping? Mr. O'Neill says there were plans on the table for Iraq long before Sept. 11. DUH!!!! There were plans on the table for ousting Saddam even before 1998 when Congress and then President Clinton made it our official policy to support regime change. Here is an interesting article describing the arguments Clinton made and how similar they are to Bush's. So, therefore, the fact we had plans for invasion is nothing new. Some big conspiracy. I guess Bill Clinton is a neocon now, right?

Mr. O'Neill, either overtly or maybe being coerced by author Suskind has engaged in chicanery and falsehood. Most folks saw the document on 60 Minutes about oil contracts in Iraq. Mr. Suskind and Mr. O'Neill maintain this was for a post-Saddam Iraq. If so, then how come at the top it says as of 2001? According to Fox News and Brit Hume, this paper did not in fact come from the Pentagon, but actually from Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force, and the paper dealt with countries already in Iraq who had energy deals ongoing with the Dictator. Wow, talk about falsehoods! And liberals are holding up this guy as an honest person and full of integrity? Hmmm...makes you wonder what they consider integrity?

Mr. O'Neill in excerpts goes on to whine and moan about Bush's demeanor at Cabinet meetings, that he did not talk enough. Maybe he is listening, eh? He whines about how Bush let him do most of the talking, or did not listen to him. Maybe your ideas were not good. Maybe he was thinking. I mean, what did you expect, self affirmation in a cabinet meeting or an interview? Give me a break. This man has some self-esteem issues.

Mr. O'Neill flip flops on what he wants from this book or what he is trying to do. Obviously he has a grudge against the President, but now that words of his are being used to call him a man without honor, today he took to the Today show and talked to Katie Couric and actually repeated the President's argument about the plans for ousting Saddam for 9/11!!!! Which is it, Mr. O'Neill? Are you smearing or are you supporting? Do you honestly have a clue about the real world, or did you snort too much aluminum fumes at Alcoa?

Simply put: Paul O'Neill is clueless. He was clueless about economic policy, as he did not support the 2nd round of tax cuts. Wow, they really hurt us, didnt they Paul? Seems to me the economy is recovering....He did not have a clue about politics in the White House (what, you mean there is politics in the White House, glory be!?), and he did not have a clue about his boss. Seems to me he is simply full of cluelessness. And now it appears he has violated secrecy, wow, he really cares for this country, doesn't he?

And if George W. Bush is so maniacal, why hasn't he slammed this guy? In fact, all he has said is that they served together during rough times (Clinton/Gore recession, 9/11) and that he appreciated Mr. O'Neill's service. Wow, maniacal planner of revenge there, right, libs? Give me a break. Again, libs are standing on a straw man, and already Mr. O'Neill's facts and figures are being called into question. He is, quite simply, a disgruntled government hack who is A WHACKJOB and went postal through the book. All smear, little substance. Nuff said.

This was Mark, thanks for reading.

UPDATE: O'Neill Wants to take it all Back

In many news outlets, Mr. O'Neill distanced himself from the Suskind book, calling it Ron's book and saying he wished he could take some of what he said back. Also, Mr. O'Neill said he would vote for Bush in the coming election.

Wow, who needs to bash this guy's integrity? He is doing a fine job himself of showing himself to be spineless and untrustworthy, running from this book like it was the plague...Yep, you liberals know how to pick your sources, indeed! I am laughing again, at you all's supposed intellect.--This was Mark, thanks for reading