Thursday, January 29, 2004

Iraqi Foreign Minister: WMD Could Still Be Found

AP article via the Grand Forks Herald

Iraq's foreign minister warned Thursday that weapons of mass destruction could still be found in Iraq, but the search could take time because of the sophistication of Saddam Hussein's regime.

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari made his comments only days after the expert who led the CIA's search for banned weapons in Iraq said he found no evidence Saddam possessed such weapons in recent years. That expert, David Kay, said he found no traces of chemical or biological stockpiles.

But Zebari said that because Saddam used chemical gas against his own people, he remains certain that stockpiles of such weapons still exist.

"We in Iraq have seen Saddam Hussein develop, manufacture and use these weapons against us with impunity," Zebari said.

"The system of hiding, of concealment was very sophisticated in Iraq. So I really believe some of those weapons could be found."

Matt's Chat

Will we hear about this on the news tonight? My guess is probably not unless you're tuned in to Fox News Channel. It is just too early to draw conclusions.

And I still think the issue should be more focused on the intelligence...

Mark's Remarks

Ladies and gentlemen, really it does not matter if we ever find wmd in Iraq. We know Saddam wanted them, we know he tried to get them, and we know he wanted to use them. We know he hated us, he hated his neighbors, and he hated Israel. He was a threat. He was an evil dictator. Now he is an evil prisoner, and we are getting a new ally in the MidEast. Who wants to go back to the old days? Not me.

And I agree. We need to lose the political b.s. the liberals are playing. Our intelligence may have been flawed, and we have to make sure we get better. Of course, libs don't want to discuss this because then their patron saint, Saint Bubba, would be fingered as the prime architect of the destruction of our effective intelligence gathering, by slashing budgets and limiting who we could talk to. Yeah, Bubba, great calls there...a total miserable failure, that Bill Clinton, no matter how he and his cronies try to rewrite history.