Thursday, January 29, 2004


Get the rest of this article from the Washington Post.

America Online Inc. lost 2.2 million subscribers in 2003 and 399,000 subscribers during the last three months of the year, while every other major business segment at parent Time Warner Inc. grew during the year, the media giant reported yesterday.

The quarterly decline in subscribers at the Dulles-based Internet firm would have been greater except AOL included 431,000 nonpaying customers on free trials or retention programs in its customers totals. When those figures are taken into account, America Online lost 830,000 paying subscribers in the quarter, according to company officials.

Matt's Chat

Doug and I were among those who didn't let the door hit us on the butt on the way out at the end of the year. AOL was miserable for us by the end... Doug wrote that down MANY times...