Friday, January 30, 2004

Let's Actually Listen to Kay

Read Charles Krauthammer's article in the Washington Post.

Matt's Chat

Excellent article. I still think it is important for us to compare what we knew before the invasion to the finished report from the Iraq Survey Group. Our intelligence capabilities need to investigated and examined for flaws in procedure and process.

And I do think that ultimately George Tenet is going to have to fall on his sword. I've heard a number of former CIA types say that Tenet had been working to fix these sort of problems, but I believe he failed in his responsibility to effectively run the CIA.

Take that for what it is worth...

Mark's Remarks

I agree with Matt and with the author of this article. What could the President do? He could have pulled the Clinton and UN techniques of the parent who never punishes but threatens: "you do this one more time and....." or he could have upheld the sanctions of the UN and gone on what the intelligence communities of THE ENTIRE WORLD were saying: Saddam has the weapons, and he is going to use them. So he did the right thing under the circumstances.

And, in regards to intelligence, let's be clear. The Libs have crippled our intelligence over the years, going back to the Church Committee and others with attempting witchhunts. Clinton exacerbated the problem with his executive orders and his budget cuts. If we want to find fault, it is not with a President who listens to his intelligence with trust. It is with a president who did not meet with his intelligence experts but twice and rarely showed any of his own whether in foreign policy or in his private affairs.