Sunday, February 01, 2004

Perspective on Kerry and the Coalition of the Willing

From the Chicago Sun Times: (emphasis added by site editor)

''Fraudulent''? Kerry makes much of his rapport with veterans, but I'd love to see him tell the brave British, Australian and Polish troops who helped liberate the Iraqi people that their participation was ''fraudulent,'' just as I'd love to see Maureen Dowd, who dismisses the coalition as ''a gaggle of poodles and lackeys,'' tell Britain's Desert Rats or the big beefy Fijians escorting Iraqi currency exchange convoys that they're ''poodles.'' Indeed, I'd gladly fly Kerry and Dowd first-class to Iraq and put them up in the best hotel in Basra (separate rooms, I hasten to add) just for the privilege. The reaction of these allies might even startle Kerry's features from their present allegedly Botoxicated immobility.

But just to make it simple: The G-7 comprises the world's major industrial democracies. Aside from America, there are six other countries. Three -- the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan -- have troops in Iraq. Three -- France, Germany and Canada -- do not. So a majority of G-7 nations are members of this ''fraudulent coalition.'' Eleven of the 19 NATO members have contributed troops to the ''fraudulent coalition.'' Thirteen of the 25 members of the newly enlarged European Union have forces serving in the ''fraudulent coalition.''

So, when John Kerry pledges to rebuild America's international relationships, what he means is that he disagrees with the majority of G-7 governments, NATO governments, European governments and key regional players in Asia and the Pacific, as well as the people of Iraq.

On the other hand, Kerry's position has the support of a majority of the Arab League.

Matt's Chat

This is exactly what the President should say when this comes up later...

Mark's Remarks

Maureen Dowd is a poodle herself....she is all bark, no bite.. The woman has not had an original story or idea or even thought since the Nixon administration. And, John Kerry? Yeah, way to fix foreign relations by calling the most powerful economic powers in the world fraudulent! Pure genius! Maybe you can make nice with the lower 1/3 of the world, but I for one want to be friends with our allies who actually believe in what they claim to all love: freedom and liberty. To all members of the coalition of the willing, I THANK YOU, MOST AMERICANS THANK YOU. However, we have liberal hamsters like Mr. Kerry who think that you are nothing more than paper tigers. I ask you to remember this when dealing with liberals from our country, or in discussing things with them. They are denigrating your brave soldiers, not all Americans. I just hope most foreign people see the hypocrisy and snideness of jerks like Kerry and Dowd and realize what FRAUDS THEY are.