Saturday, January 03, 2004

Mexico is Complaining About Canceled Flights - Frenchie Says Flight Going Whether or Not America Agrees

Buried in this New York Times article...

In Mexico, legislators expressed frustration about the Mexico City-Los Angeles cancellations on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, saying that they wanted Mexico's transportation minister to answer questions about the security agreements with the United States and about who would compensate Mexican airlines for any financial losses.

Victor Hugo Islas, a federal legislator from the central Mexican state of Puebla, told the newspaper Cronica: "We do not know for sure the reach of these agreements, but surely someone should compensate the Mexican airlines as well as the passengers who have lost reservations, hotels, business or even jobs over these decisions."
In France, for instance, Dominique Bussereau, the state secretary in the transport ministry, said in a French radio interview on Friday that officials there would have to evaluate future requests from the United States for flight cancellations, and he said the French had turned down one such request this week.

"There was a flight that took place a few days ago that the United States didn't particularly want," Mr. Bussereau said. But French officials determined "that all the security measures had been taken, that all the checks made into the passengers were of such nature that the flight had all reason to travel, to fly," he said. French officials apologized to the passengers and allowed the flight to take off — "even if the American authorities didn't entirely agree," he said.

Emphasis belongs to the editor.

Matt's Chat

Mexico: Coming to the United States is a PRIVELEGE and is not a RIGHT accorded to you by the nature of your proximity. Mexico is not responsible for the national security of the United States, so quite frankly, Mexico can kindly shut up. Furthermore, one could make the argument that Mexico has already invaded the United States as it is with all the illegals we have in this country. Perhaps Mexico should worry about providing something for their citizens so they'll want to stay where they belong.

France: France is also not responsible for the national security of the United States, and thank God, because we'd have surrendered already. France will not be sending in any flights that we do not want here because we will shoot them down. That is the reality of the situation. France is NOt the center of the universe. They don't get to have a say in American national security regardless of what the nine Democratic candidates for president think. And if France doesn't like it, they can kiss my big red, white and blue butt.

Mark's Remarks

Mexico: why are you worrying about flights? 90% of those coming do it across the border illegally. And, shouldn't you be trying to keep people in your country? I mean, with all the people trying to get out, pretty soon you politicos will no longer have a country to govern.

France: Would the frogs please shut the h_ll up? I mean, they thumb their nose at our rights of sovereignty but then gripe when we open a McDonalds? Don't these idiot frogs know we are dealing with real terror here? Oh yeah, they know. They sell weapons to them.