Monday, January 05, 2004

Moving On...

Hamster site posts two internet ads that compare our President to Adolph Hitler.

Matt Drudge has the particulars.

Matt's Chat

It is so nice to see the true colors of the hamsters at MoveOn. They are exposing themselves as anti-Semites with this kind of drivel. And worse, they are exposing their anti-American secret agenda. That's okay, I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around... These folks are soliciting funds from foreigners that they can then turn around and use in a campaign against the President. That is unethical and reprehensible. MoveOn is advocating that citizens of other nations should have a voice in the election of the American president.

If MoveOn wants to compare President Bush to any figure associated with World War II, the logical choice is Winston Churchill. Churchill recognized what was coming and what had to be done, then went about doing just that. For MoveOn to compare Bush to Hitler is absurd. The only thing familar about this campaign is that it is the same old hamster mantra manifest once again: never let the truth get in the way of a good smear.

Mark's Remarks be called, or better yet, for all the idiots behind it, This is absurd and below the belt, comparing Bush to Hitler. It is idiotic, and I think the whole Chris Muir cartoon at the top of this page categorizes the idiocy of it very nicely.

These folks at are not concerned about anything else than smears on conservatives. You see, they have to make their stuff up. The material we had on Clinton was concrete, and they hate that, so now they are offering up anything to try to smear conservatives. I am sure some very noisy and annoying hamsters out there will say, "first amendment, first amendment" but this goes beyond the pale. To compare a man who led a coalition which has freed TWO nations and MILLIONS of people from genocidal dictators is ludicrous! Hopefully, this will be the destruction of these idiots, but as long as you have liberal sheeplike hamsters out there who have no reasoning of their own (don't distract me with facts, I made up my mind already types) then smear campaigns like will continue to exist. There should be a huge protest against the likes of these lecherous, dogmatic followers of liberalism. This type of behavior is inexcusable, especially from an organization that claims to be non-partisan and just trying to do what is fair and best for America. Give me a break! Why doesn't MOVE ON, you lost in 2000, and if you continue with this vitriol, you will lose in 04. Grow up, move out of grandma's basement, and cut your hair.