Monday, January 05, 2004

NASA's Spirit Lands on Mars

Over the weekend, NASA successfully landed a rover on the surface of Mars. According to mission controllers, the rover landed just 6 miles off the planned mark.

Matt's Chat

Why are we sending robots to Mars? What is it that we hope to find there? I have an idea what liberals might be thinking...

NASA hopes to find evidence of life existing at one time on the Red Planet. Be it critters or plants, that is what NASA hopes to find. Now, think about this for a bit... The surface of Mars has been covered in dust, so any such remains would be buried. Now what happens when animals and plants die and are buried for thousands of years? That's right, oil. It's all about Big Oil on Mars! Next mission: the drillers and rigs!

But seriously, this is a fantastic accomplishment for our space program. Congrats to NASA!

Mark's Remarks

No Matt, they are trying to create a base to exterminate all hamsters....hey, why would that be such a bad thing? :)

Seriously, this is amazing. The shots I have seen from the Spirit are spectacular. It is also good to see some good news from NASA, and all the excitement. Hopefully, we can move farther and reach further out. Congratulations to all involved.