Thursday, January 29, 2004

Press Still Doesn't Get It

Here is today's briefing...

Matt's Chat

Helen (Thomas - I can assume...) is more interested in whether or not Scott McClellan thinks weapons will still be uncovered rather than finding out what the President has told him on the subject. Other reporters seems to want to play political Quote Jeopardy with the administration (and note they don't seem to want to play this game with the liberals in Congress - granted this is the White House press corps, but the papers these folks work for aren't being 'fair and balanced' with this game.)

Nobody seems to want to talk about the REAL PROBLEM: our intelligence capabilities appear to have some severe flaws. The credibility of our nation is at stake. We need to get these politicans focused on fixing the problem and off of political gaming and finger pointing. The blame game is irrelevent. We have a real problem. If the press would realize what the real story is we might actually improve the security of our nation and the world.

Still not holding my breath...

Mark's Remarks

"I'll take WMD for 1000, Alex....." uh...never mind.....I think the press does not want to delve into intelligence failures and causes because it would reveal the Clinton administration, their favorite era, as the miserable failure it was. If not for Bill Clinton's bumbling foreign policy, Usama bin Laden may well have been in captivity or better yet, dead by now. Bill Clinton was nothing but an appeaser and posturer, and he slashed the budget and capabilities of our intelligence services. WE are reaping more of his policy effects now...Gosh, thanks bubba, you (deleted because of references to gross subjects too extreme to mention) :)