Thursday, January 29, 2004

Pakistan's President: Al Queda is "On The Run"

From CBS News:

Pakistan's president is convinced that the al Qaeda terrorist organization, with so many of its leaders either captured, killed or on the run in the wake of Sept. 11, has lost its effectiveness.

President Pervez Musharraf, attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, spoke with CBS News correspondent Tom Fenton about the terror group.

"I don't think they are an effective organization," Musharraf told Fenton. "They are on the run.

"To be effective, an organization needs good command and control, I don't think they have that," he added.

While conceding to Fenton that he didn't know for sure where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was, he reflected on his military experience (Musharraf is Pakistan's Chief of Army staff and a career military man) to speculate that Osama's probably in the frontier territories along the Pakistani and Afghan border.

Matt's Chat

If al Queda takes aim (again) at Pakistan, I wonder if the Pakistani press will ask Musharraf what he knew and when he knew it.

I think there is some fantastic news coming from the region on the al Queda front of the War on Terror. More and more prominent Arabs are realizing that the days of 'terrorism pays' are done.

Mark's Remarks

While it is great news we are hearing, we cannot wave the victory banner until that (expletive deleted) UBL is caught or proven dead. Al Queda may be on the run, and we may be safer, but we are still not safe, as Matt has said over Sangria before. While we may be safer (and we are) we still run the risk of attack. And to you liberal hamsters out there, this is not fear mongering or living in fear, it is sheer fact. We have to realize that the world is different, be vigilant, and live our lives and go forward. We cannot be like you libs who want to ignore the terror threat and say it is exaggerated when we know there are people out there who hate us. We cannot go back to the days of sticking our heads in the sand. It ends up when we do that people get slaughtered and airplanes fall from the sky into buildings. We cannot do that again. It is not living in is living in reality.