Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Rangel: Bush "Out of Touch"

In this AP story, Rep Charles Rangel (D-NY as if you couldn't guess) says, "President Bush's speech was not so much of a State of the Union as a state of his re-election campaign. But the president's words do not change the reality that his priorities are out of touch with the priorities of most Americans."

Here's some more Democrat reaction to the speech...(same article)

"The State of the Union may look rosy from the White House balcony or the suites of George Bush's wealthiest donors, but hardworking Americans will see through this president's effort to wrap his radical agenda with a compassionate ribbon," said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, another of the Democratic presidential hopefuls.

"This president still doesn't understand what's happening in living rooms across this country," said another White House contender, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. "He doesn't see what's happening in our economy, in the workplace and to families everywhere."

Matt's Chat

Charlie, put the Kool-Aid down... Out of touch? Hmm... According to the latest numbers from Gallup, the President has a 53% approval rating. That means more than half of Americans polled ACTUALLY LIKE WHAT THE PRESIDENT IS DOING. And I think those numbers are soft...I think the number is actually higher. I'll be interested in seeing the next set of numbers to see how well the speech went over with real Americans.

While we're on the subject, here is some reaction to the speech that should address the "out of touch" concept: Source

+ Overall, 76% of speech watchers say their reaction to the speech is positive, with 45% saying "very" positive.

+ Seventy percent of speech watchers say Bush's proposed policies in general will move the country in the right direction, while 26% say the wrong direction.

+ In the pre-speech interview, 60% of people who intended to watch the speech said Bush's policies would move the country in the right direction, compared with 70% who said that after the speech.

+ On the economy -- 66% say right direction, 31% wrong direction, a slight improvement over the 62% to 35% margin measured before the speech.

+ On healthcare -- the largest change: a 63% to 35% positive ratio after the speech, compared with a 48% to 41% ratio before the speech.

+ On Social Security -- the second-largest change, from 47% to 38% (right vs. wrong direction) before the speech, to 59% to 35% afterward.

+ On taxes -- a modest improvement: 65% to 32% after the speech, compared with 58% to 32% beforehand.

+ Finally, on terrorism -- very little change, because the vast majority of speech watchers already had a positive view, with 76% saying right direction and 19% saying wrong direction before the speech, compared with 78% to 19% afterward.

+ Most speech watchers, 62%, say their confidence in Bush's economic leadership was not affected by the speech, but 29% say they now have more confidence and 9% less confidence. These figures are virtually identical to those obtained in last year's poll.

+ The poll also found that 71% of speech watchers say they are either "very" confident (29%) or "somewhat" confident (42%) that the United States will be able to achieve the goals Bush has for Iraq. Another 27% are not confident.

+ Finally, 61% of speech watchers say that in November, they are likely to vote for Bush, while 32% expect to vote for the Democratic Party's nominee -- virtually unchanged from the pre-speech figures of 59% to 33%.

Mr. Dean, the average donation to the Bush campaign is $211, not the millions that you are trying to mislead the American people with. It is a true grassroots campaign with people who are actually going to show up and vote for their candidate. And, no Mr. Dean, it is not a radical agenda. Thanks for noticing that it is appearing to be compassionate because it is compassionate. And right for America too.

Ah, John F-ing. is the economy, stupid...and as the President said in the speech last night, the economy is strong and growing stronger. Jobs have been created. Is there more work to be done, yep; and the President has indicated that he will not give up until every American WHO WANTS TO WORK WILL HAVE A JOB. Desire to have a job is a factor that the poll liberals are touting doesn't take in to account (it also doesn't cover those who started their OWN BUSINESSES). The President knows what is going on in this country...he is working to make things better for Americans and is succeeding.

Mark's Remarks

Chuckie Rangel, what in the blue hell would you know about the speech? You were too busy playing the spoiled crying brat with your head down, probably asleep. You libs have gone beyond simply not liking Bush. You are disrespecting the office of President with your antics. Then Teddy Kennedy with his smirks and giggles. Heck, he was probably drunk most of the time, still thought he was in Iowa. Then there was Hillary, looking bored again. Hill, your constituents like you to at least pretend you know what is going on.

OK, Howeird, you with your "arghewee" speeches know what is going on in hardworking Americans' lives? Give me a break. You sir, a nothing more than a panderer caught on the way down.

As for Sen. John F'ing Kerry, did you actually puff some magic dragon, dude? You are married to an heiress! What would you know about hard working Americans and the workplace? And, guess what? The economy is looking up, and our President has a plan for workers and the families. So I think you are standing on a straw man. As usual, all smear and innuendo, little factual basis. You libs really are sad.

You know, here is a tidbit on spending. When Bush took over, his first budget he inherited had 14% discretionary spending in it. Last fiscal year's budget had 7% discretionary spending, and this year's cuts it down to 4% discretionary spending. We are actually spending less in discretionary spending. Much of the increase has been in terms of military and other necessary security issues since 9/11. So, the President is trying to work on the deficit, too. I think the President outlined some bold initiatives, and the libs are trying to control the popularity. In a Foxnews Gallup poll, 76% said they approved of the State of the Union speech. Wow, I guess you libs don't know what is going on in American living rooms, eh?

This was Mark...Thanks for reading.