Tuesday, January 20, 2004

State of the Union

The President delivered his address tonight with a few minor glitches in speech. He was interrupted over seventy times by applause in a 54 minute speech.

For excerpts of the speech, check out the White House website.

Matt's Chat

Here are my notes from the address:

+ We are called to great responsibilities and America is rising to meet them. (Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terror)
+ Our military IS making America more secure (take that Dean!)
+ Homeland Security and first responders ARE making America safer. (And that is for all the Deaniacs out there!)
+ Tax relief is working (Economy is STRONG!)
+ State of the Union is confident and strong. (I couldn't agree more...)
+ Patriot Act: similar methods are good enough to catch criminals, should be good enough to catch terrorists.
+ Tracking of alQueda continues - They will be brought to justice. (War on Terror progressing)
+ America stands with Iraq as they build a free nation (We are NOT pulling out, liberals take note...)
+ For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible. (Very true, no one doubts we'll act NOW...)
+ America committed to keeping most dangerous weapons away from most dangerous regimes (NK, Iran, Libya, etc.)
+ Resources will be there for the military to fight AND WIN the War on Terror.
+ Terrorists declared war on America and war is what they got. (And rightfully so...)
(About this point, we got a glimpse of Hillary looking bored as usual...what does she think about when she's at these things??? It sure doesn't look like she cares about her job...)
+ America will never seek a permission slip to defend our people (Don't EVER forget that, people...)
+ This republic will lead the cause of freedom (Iraq War was just, Mr. Carter...)
+ The economy is strong and growing stronger (It is the economy, stupid...the Bush Economy. That recession that Clinton left us with is finally going away.)
+ Education: We are making progress for every child in America.
+ We must continue to pursue a pro-growth agenda (economy)
+ Budget will require a reduction in discretionary spending. (Grand social programs will have to wait...and so should Mars in my opinion - which is odd for me to say as a NASA and space enthusiast)
+ Budget: Focus on priorities
+ Healthcare: Americans must be able to afford and choose their care. (Frivilous lawsuits must be stopped)
+ Government-run healthcare is the wrong prescription (Just look at Canada, Britain, etc...)

Here are my notes from the Democratic response:


+ Complained about "going it alone" isolated us from international community (apparently she didn't listen to the speech, the President listed off a ton of nations participating in the Iraq war)
+ Whined about the reasons we went to war being wrong (This is what I hope for her sake a reference to faulty intelligence that Clinton had as well about the WMDs and not the humanitarian concerns like mass graves, etc.)
+ Grumbled about the "pre-emption" "policy" - (The Iraq War was a continuation of the previous war because Saddam FAILED TO COMPLY WITH THE CEASE FIRE AGREEMENT WITH US AND THE UN...got it?)
+ Yammered about Halliburton (This is the tired and old "War for Oil" black helicopter theory that liberals can't seem to get over...)
+ Mentioned veterans benefits (but she failed to make a case either way on what she was charging...if anything...)


+ Lied about Bush administration wanting to use Social Security money to pay for programs such as National Endowment for Democracy, etc. (The President NEVER said anything remotely close to that, read the speech.)
+ Mislead the American people about jobs (those numbers do not take into account people who started their own business or just decided NOT TO WORK)
+ Opined about the funding for No Child Left Behind (Shouldn't the states be doing more fundraising?)
+ Called the tax cuts an "invisible tax increase" but didn't prove his case...

Mark's Remarks

I loved it, Dasschole and Botox Pelosi made their prerecorded speech. It looked terrible, and the President answered most of their issues.

As far as the speech goes, I think it was important that the President remind ALL Americans about 9/11 because I think some of us (especially many liberal hamsters) Have forgotten. And we must never forget. WE WERE ATTACKED. We have been winning the war on terror. Because of the President's efforts, there have been no followup attacks that were successful. Because of the President's efforts, the people of Afghanistan now have a constitution and women can go to school. Because of his efforts, more people have more money to spend, and seniors will have prescription drug benefits. Because of Bush's efforts, we have ended the rape rooms in Iraq.

And, he unviewed some social programs. I am not so sure about the prison reform thing, but there are some highlights. I think his job training program is especially promising.

A few highlights. I loved the "America will never seek a permission slip to defend her interests." That was perfect. Also, Mr. Bush appropriately highlighted the Clinton Administration's false assumption that terrorism is a matter of criminality, not warfare. I loved it. More proof that we do not need libs back in the White House. Also, I loved that he trashed Hillary socialized medicine. I can agree with that. It is the fact that our doctors can compete and can get paid for their services well that gives us the best doctors. The reason insurance is so high is because of people like John Edwards and his trial lawyer buddies and their frivolous lawsuits. I thought the President did a good job. I liked his defending of marriage. It was a good speech, not his best, but good.

Now, on to the Dimocrapic response. First of all, Tom Dashole and Nancy "Botox" Pelosi looked like funeral directors, and in some senses, they are. They want to present a doom and gloom atmosphere, even in spite of economic success and hope for tomorrow. Nancy Pelosi led off with saying the President stole from America, that America is nothing more than a missile to others. She continued to insult the many nations President Bush named that are part of our coalition. I hope these nations remember who treasures them, not the Dimocrats. Also, she continued to whine about Iraq and weapons. OK, the UN said they had them, Clinton said they had them, Saddam said he had them. I guess all were wrong. Whatever. Ms. Pelosi, you make the assertion the world is not safer, and you song and danced around that. You, dear, need a better surgeon. I mean, that permanently surprised look is terrible. I don't know which was more fake: her face or her words.

Then we had Tom Dashole. Senator Dasshole. Wow. That little smirk even while he is bemoaning the problems with America was just so sanctimonious. Notice how he talked about the Democrats' society. He talked about how democrats would shape it and mold it. The guy is a socialist pig.

Both of them talked about security, and making America safe for America. What about making it safe for Americans? Bush did that. He is continuing to do that. You two missed the boat. I think you both should get refunds from that surgeon. Wow, Nancy, who are you trying to kid?