Monday, January 19, 2004

Remembering MLK's Dream

Very interesting commentary.

Matt's Chat

I pray that I will live to see the day that Dr. King's dream of racial equailty will come to pass. We have come a LONG way and still have work to do. Racism isn't dead, but it is on life support.

Mark's Remarks

The sad part is that alot of the work that needs to be done has been hindered by liberal pandering. When liberals use plantation strategies of turning poor blacks against successful blacks, as they have done, it smacks of racism, because that is what it is. When they pander to poor folks and get them hooked on cycles of poverty, the Dream continues to be deferred. When they continue to advocate programs which objectifies people into quota numbers, the Dream is deferred. The Liberals and leadership of the Dimocratic party have engaged in race baiting and pandering, and it makes actual racism go les counted, because every time they cry the wolf of racism (like Michael Jackson) it makes people less likely to believe when things really do happen. Dr. King, I think, would be ashamed of some of his former compatriots who have turned into corporate hijackers (read Jesse Jackson), placing personal power and wealth over helping the community.

We need to get past all this racebaiting and labelling by liberals, who seek to divide us so they can have power. We need to come together as what all of us are, no matter the color: AMERICANS!

This was Mark, thanks for reading.