Monday, January 19, 2004

Clark and the Hamster King

Check out the picture on DiscountBlogger...

Matt's Chat

This goes on my list of reasons why Clark is NOT the guy...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, Michael the Hamster King Moore is supporting Clark...DUDE, WHERE IS YOUR ETHICS? Clark was for the war, then against then for, then against. Give me a break. You are a sad sack of flab, Mr. Moore, and trust me, I know flab when I see it. You sir, are a disgrace. You are the worst of hypocritical Hollywood panderers who pass themselves off as Joe Common, but tell me, Mikey, where are your donations to victims funds for Columbine after you exploited the tragedy there for your film/swill? Where is your caring? Why haven't you set up shelters in Michigan where jobs were lost, which you documented in Roger and Me? Where is your caring, Mr. Moore? You are a joke, and it is sad some people think you actually care about them.