Saturday, January 10, 2004

Wonder if there will be retractions on this garbage from Hamster Boy?

Here is some garbage to show how deluded the libs were, from Hamster guy. His stuff is in italics, mine (Mark) is in bold. Wonder what the story below this does, and if he and his Carnegie report will print retractions?

To summarize: King Georgie sent us to invade Iraq because (1) they had WMDs, (Well, I guess today's discoveries may prove that, eh?) (2) they were an imminent threat to the United States,(Bush never said they were an imminent threat! How many times do you need to be told, or are you just putting your little baby fingers in your little baby ears and screaming so you can't hear it? He said we had to take care of things BEFORE they became an imminent threat...I mean, come on....there is text of speech to show this, and you continue with this garbage and venom?) and (3) Saddam could be tied to al Queda. (There continue to be indications, from sources far outside of our own government, but we won't believe them even though we believe their anti-American stories, right libs?)
(1) We haven't found any and now the Carnegie report details that there never were any. (Guess Today's discovery puts a big hole in this!!!!!)
(2) The quickness of the invasion and the lack of WMDs shows Iraq was never a real threat. (Guess Mustard Gas on our troops wouldn't be a real threat to them, would they?)
Wake up, America! The King has lied to you. It's time to impeach him and get him out. Tell the Republicans that this is not what America is about. We don't sink to such low, barbaric acts just to satisfy a family's revenge. How many more must die before it all ends? You do not call the mass murder of Iraqis by a brutal dictator barbaric? You do not call threatening your neighbors barbaric? What drugs are you on? Maybe it will end when you wake up to reality.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, looks like all his ASSumptions were wrong. Looks like the report he based it on were wrong. Wow, looks like Hamster boy, AGAIN, AS USUAL, is just plain WRONG!!!!

And, we do not have a king here in America. Maybe you were doing coke or popping viagra during Government class. Or maybe you are just like your boy Dean? Maybe you carelessly throw rhetoric around and then backpedal when, as usual, the bull in your statements are revealed, and you play victim again? Could that be it? Hmm?

Who places any credence in the whole no WMD argument now? Who places credence in hamsters? Not me! Who's with me?

Matt's Chat

My colleague places a bit more faith in this report than I do. I prefer to wait for the final analysis before hoping on the "I Told You So" wagon, but will have to admit that early indications point towards this being a cache of weapons of mass destruction. Is this the "smoking canon" that we've been looking for? Probably not, but if these shells do turn out to be what they appear to be then at the very least we have found evidence of a material breach of the UN resolutions (particularly if these weapons were not declared). This is, at best, a "smoking pistol." When we find the bigger caches of weapons (in Syria?), then I will be much more likely to feel vindication.

I do have some questions for liberals out there who buy into this partisan Carnegie report. Were the Carnagie folks in Iraq? How were their conclusions reached? Did they have a conclusion in mind when the report was put together? Did they wait for Mr. Kay's final report?

I will agree with my collegaue completely on the "imminent threat" issue. This has been debunked as liberal smear so many times that I can't imagine who they are trying to convince by repeating this lie (and it is a lie. Lie. Lie. Lie.).

As for al Queda ties, I also tend to be more skeptical than my partner; but am also convinced that if Saddam didn't have ties to al Queda directly, he certainly had ties to several other terrorist groups. This isn't a War Against Al Queda, it is the War Against Terrorism.

The threat that Iraq represented to the national security of the United States wasn't that the Iraqi Army would show up on the shores of our great nation and start taking over, but rather that Saddam's regime would continue to support terrorist groups with funding and weapons (including weapons of mass destruction). Had that threat not been taken seriously and Iraq carried out such a plan, we'd be talking about how the President did nothing to stop it. These days, liberals are always complaining about something the conservatives did or didn't do...they lack the vision required to take appropriate action in the security interests of this country. Liberals like our favorite hamster engage in partisan attacks because they don't have any ideas and can't admit that the President did the only thing that he could do...the right thing.
Wake Up, Liberals!