Monday, January 12, 2004

Call to End Garbage Angers Dean

A voter caused Howard Dean's infamous temper to rise up...Ungerer, wearing a T-shirt bearing the words "Mr Fix It," rose to his feet and condemned what he called the incivility of the campaign and the political press. He suggested Dean and the other Democratic candidates stop "tearing down your neighbor" and cut their "slam, bam and bash Bush" rhetoric.

"Please tone down the garbage, the mean-mouthing of tearing down your neighbor and being so pompous" Read the story here.

Matt's Chat

The missing fact from our coverage is that this guy was a Republican. My question is why is he hanging out with Dean in the first place? Is he scouting Democratic candidates to vote for and leaving the President? Or was he trying to get a rise out of Dean...

I think the way Dean treated a potential voter is indicative of the self destructive behavior we've come to expect from him, but I don't think baiting him is a good idea.

Mark's Remarks

Wow, a voice of reason calling for more substance and less slam and what does the candidate do? Did he even thank the man for having the courage to stand up? Nope, he shouted and engaged in more self-absorbed rhetoric. Wow, what a pompous, self absorbed individual. I guess this is how Dean wants to treat dissent. Have the escorted out, have them shouted down. Wow, but the libs really do like differing opinions...yeah right. Contrast this with President Bush's reaction to protests during his speech in Australia: "I love free speech." He didn't call for their execution or shout over them or belittle them. Yet, the frontrunner from the party of supposed openmindedness shouts down a 66 year old man who simply called for an end to the hateful garbage? Wow, I guess this is supposed to show how tough Dean is. Well la de friggin dah.