Tuesday, February 10, 2004

2/9/04 White House Press Briefing


Q: Scott, Al Gore had some unusually bitter remarks about the President over the weekend. He said he -- the President -- betrayed this country, he played on our fears, he took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure, dangerous to our troops, preordained and planned before 9/11. What do you make of -- it seems remarkably sharp criticism and I think the source is notable, too. What do you make of it?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think there are some who are backward-looking, still wanting to replay the 2000 election. The President is forward-looking, focusing on acting to meet the big challenges that we face.

Q: I've got to ask you, too, about military records. The President committed yesterday to releasing additional records. Is there any effort by the White House, the RNC, the campaign to come up with new records, new notes --

MR. McCLELLAN: This issue, as the President pointed out, goes back to his first campaign for governor, it goes back to the 2000 campaign. You know, we made everything we had available during the 2000 campaign. I think that one of the things you can look at that will help address these questions is the annual retirement point summaries. And we previously made those available during the 2000 campaign. They show that the President fulfilled his duties, and that is why he was honorably discharged.

Matt's Chat

Two issues near and dear to my heart, let me tell ya... And for once, I think Scotty handled them fairly well.

Mark's Remarks

First, what in the blue hell does Al Gore know about trust? He was the lapdog for the most untrustworthy President in US History. The Clinton/Gore administration willingly gave China technology used in missiles (nuclear missiles) and also bent over backwards to placate China despite their horrible human rights records. Clinton deleted several trade restrictions to please his special interest contributors who then sold missile technology and defense technology to China. Al Gore knew about it, and Al Gore wanted to continue it to keep the money flowing into DNC coffers. So, Mr. Gore, do not even begin to talk about betrayal, etc.

As to this briefing, don't you just love it when the media shows their true colors and becomes the willing lapdogs and mouthpieces for their liberal masters? I mean, come on. This is about as much of an issue as Bush 41 hating broccoli. Bottom line: the man served his country and was honorably discharged. If John Kerry thinks his impressive military record is not enough, then he truly is a small and insecure man, to be allowing his party to issue these attacks. Kerry's accomplishments as a soldier should speak for themselves, and he and his party should not denigrate the National Guard or Reserves as being the easy way out. I just heard a soundbite on the radio where Kerry alluded to the fact that going into the Guard was a way to get out of going, "because the chances were low that you would be called." Wow, tell that to the 97 Guardsmen and over 5000 Reservists who died in Vietnam, Mr. Kerry! Do you want their names erased off the Wall because they are second class? Should there be a smaller Wall for them, or should their names be placed on the outhouse? This is despicable. The Democrats are trying to denigrate the men and women serving in the Guard/Reserves and are making light of the service of these 10s of thousands of people. That is disgraceful.

And, remember, John Kerry repudiated his work in Vietnam and even called his fellow soldiers rapists. He also engaged in mock" execution drills" to show the brutality of Vietnam that most soldiers did not even do. Now, he is calling upon the people he once turned on to support him. Thankfully, there are some, and hopefully many, who remember him and his position, and how he talked and treated his brother soldiers. Not to mention his anti-military, anti-intelligence voting record.
And, I agree with Matt. It appears Scotty got it right for once.