Thursday, February 12, 2004



Matt's Chat

Well, well, well... The M-File on Clinton Kerry gets another interesting entry. This is going to be a FUN election season...

Mark's Remarks

While this is all speculation at this point, it does seem to have the ring of truth, and it seems Dimocraps knew about it. For instance, according to the article, Wes Clark stated in an Off-record conversation that Kerry would be sunk by a scandal with an intern. Howeird Dean decided not to commit to pulling out if he didn't win Wisconsin...and I hear John Edwards is throwing a big party for all his trial lawyer buddies. This could be the unraveling of the joke called the Real Deal.

We know this John Kerry married for money, not once but twice. We know he sold out his brothers in arms in Vietnam for political gain, calling them rapists and murderers, when he himself may have shot civilians. He sold out supporters for political expediency on the issues of gay marriage, and other issues. He voted to handicap our defenses as well as our intelligence community.

This should conjure up images of Bill Clinton, especially if this article is true and this lady was an intern. This proves what we have been saying. Kerry is just like the Clintons. All about money and power, little on vision and substance. If this story is not so big a deal, why did the woman leave the country, seemingly vanishing? Why is it rumored that Kerry urged her to go? Why aren't the networks reporting this? Interesting, isn't it? Seems the media also did not look into Bill Clinton's past except for Gennifer Flowers, when it was recorded about Paula Jones and others who had been accosted by the then-governor back in 1992. And look what we got: we got 8 years of Bubba. Media, for once quit playing favorites. Get off of this whole Guard non-story you are spinning and find out about the integrity of John Kerry. Wow, makes you wonder what all did his first marriage in, eh? Makes you wonder what else he has been lying about?

Other Opinions

Mahatma thinks this is Karl Rove, but I had to dig into the far reaches of my (Matt's) closet to find the old trusty liberal decoder ring. Far be it for me to just come out and say I disagree with our good friend Mahatma, but Rove is WAY smarter than that. He would deploy something like this later; like, when it mattered. Kerry doesn't even have the nomination yet. Rove would rather make a Bill Clinton out of him (without all that "Hail to the Chief" bit) rather than yet another Gary Hart. Just my two cents on it, man...