Thursday, February 12, 2004

Internet Tax Ban Revived

From Yahoo News:

U.S. senators opposed to a bill to permanently ban Internet access taxes unveiled rival legislation on Wednesday for a temporary tax moratorium that would not threaten state and local revenues.

"The other option is the wrong policy and it couldn't come at a worse time," Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Republican, told a news briefing where he and Democratic Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware announced plans to introduce their bill.

Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas and Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein of California are co-sponsors of the bill, which bans new taxes on Internet access, including via Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL), for two years.

Matt's Chat

What's wrong with making this permanent? I know our governor, Bob "Tax" Taft (RINO-OH), is itching to get another tax on the books for some reason...

Mark's Remarks

In a time when more people are starting new businesses and services online, an internet tax would be counterproductive!!! Of course, I am sure the liberals are loving this because then it would mean throwing more money with no clear vision at programs and more plantation giving to the masses.

The liberals, they are like the early slaveholders on the plantation in the South. They will give seek divisiveness among people where there should be none, like between those slaves who worked in the house and those in the fields. Both were slaves, both were whipped. But, the master would make it look like there was uneven treatment to keep the two groups from getting together. He would separate them with clothes and class distinction while turning down his nose at both. Liberals do that now with the populace of the US. To keep loyalty, they will throw the field slaves a bone to keep them loyal, and threaten them with program cuts if they don't vote a certain way. Or, they will say, don't go trusting them Republicans, they will take you out of my care and you are too stupid to be on your own. Slaveholders did that to slaves in the South, and some slaves bought it; willing to not fight the system and not take a chance in order to be slaves and be dependent. Some did not, and thank God for them and their work in freeing the slaves. However, the liberals still use that old playbook. They are like crack dealers, just giving enough to get you hooked, then sticking it to you. Don't fall for their line. Rise up, and don't be slaves to programs that only offer dependence, and no solutions. Rise up, vote for people who actually respect minorities and others enough to put them to the highest offices in the Cabinet, like President Bush did with Powell and Rice. Of course, liberals are sending out devoted mindslaves to trash them, calling them sellouts. Don't buy into that.

OK, enough preaching. Back to the issue. Internet taxes should be shelved. They are a poor idea, and if this law does not get passed, I urge everyone out there to mass email their representatives in Congress. I mean it. Send them a hundred emails a day. Overflow their emails. Let them see who they are affecting.