Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Kerry Lead Grows

Kerry takes five of seven states in last nights Democratic primary and caucus action.

Matt's Chat

Kerry blah blah blah...Clark blah Oklahoma blah blah...Edwards blah blah blah. Joementum blah blah blah.

None of this means anything. Dean is still showing strong in the delegate count. Although Kerry closed the gap pretty quickly. Imagine if Dean actually TRIED yesterday... The battle rages on...and it still won't mean anything until there is a nominee.

I'm still wanting a Dean/Kucinich ticket for the Dems, but am expecting a Kerry/Edwards or Kerry/Gephardt ticket...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, John Kerry did well in five states with Democratic voters, and you would think he won over the entire nation with the coverage. And, the Clintonistas in the media sure are hyping up Wes Clark's TIE in OK with Edwards....and Edwards, who is 1-9 in victories, is all of a sudden getting press....what in the world is going on? It is all about image,nothing about substance....

And, here is a tidbit from the exit polls...even though most said that they would approve of Kerry if he gets the nomination, he lost out when asked about which candidate seemed to care about them and not be an aloof politician...the winner? Edwards....Just some food for thought...

This is very fluid and a long way from over. However, I am disheartened that more veterans do not repudiate Kerry. This is a guy who tries to play both ends. He hypes up his war record as a soldier, then he hypes up his hating the war and the military when he got home. He is playing both ends against the middle. This smacks of political expediency. He is playing both sides, and it should not stand. This man dishonored America by throwing his medals over the fence. It was his right. But it was wrong. The things he and Jane Fonda and their ilk did hurt our military for decades. It destroyed pride in America until the 1980s when Reagan helped bring pride back to the nation. Remember that, folks.