Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Dean Calls Probe "Silly"

From Reuters:

Howard Dean, a physician and a Democratic presidential candidate, on Monday dismissed as "silly" a government inquiry into whether indecency rules were broken during the broadcast of the Super Bowl halftime show when pop diva Janet Jackson's bodice was ripped to expose her right breast.

"I find that to be a bit of a flap about nothing," the former Vermont governor said. "I'm probably affected in some ways by the fact that I'm a doctor, so it's not exactly an unusual phenomenon for me."

During the break in the National Football League's championship game, singer Justin Timberlake reached for Jackson as they sang a duet and tore off part of her black leather bustier.

Matt's Chat

Hey Democrat, soccer moms: What about the CHILDREN??? Smooth move, Dr. No...

Mark's Remarks

I just love Howeird's attempt at humor. You know, back in 2000, and even now, they are trying to paint Bush as some type of party boy who shirks duty. Then in the same breath they make the prude argument, Dean even alluding to maybe George hasn't seen much in the way of breasts. Which is it? Further proof the Dims have no bold new vision for America, that it is the same old story of overtaxing, overspending, and making us bow at the altar of those who hate us, and seeking to inject in us stagnation and despair to bring us down to the level of others, instead of lifting us up higher and higher.

Lib and Dim Hamsters make me ill. They do nothing but talk out both sides of their mouth. You know, they try to play both sides. On the one hand, they are moral relativists who claim that morality constantly changes and that we should just change. If that is the case, who cares about Rush Limbaugh's moral failings or any other conservative, right? We should just roll with the punches and allow society to go downhill. WRONG!!!! We all have moral failings. However, that does not mean that we chuck away morality simply because it is not expedient to our deviant parts. See, we tried that in the 1990s with the Clinton Administration. It didn't work. Lib Hamsters want there to be no morality, so that way we can get away with anything. They want to eliminate morality so they can have it all ways. Don't let them. Boycott MTV, boycott CBS, and boycott libs. They are disgraces to our nation. Morality is not changing. It is what it is.

As to this whole Boobgate thing: it was silly. I work with young people and most I have talked to are ashamed of what happened. They did not go gaga over it, as MTV and Divaslut Janet Jackson wanted. They instead are appalled by it. Parents are upset, and so is most of the country.

What is silly, is the lame excuses of "wardrobe malfunction" and "went too far". Folks, the performers (if they are really doing anything other than lipsynching, if you want to call that performing) were over the top. They knew what they were doing. MTV had an idea. If not, why did they send out emails talking about revealing and shocking halftime shows. They knew something was going on. If she did not mean to expose her breast and only meant red lace, then why was she wearing the spider thing over her nipple?

This is all spin. They didn't get the reaction they wanted and now they are all running from it. Don't let them get away from it. Start a movement now to take back our culture and restore some semblance of morals to programming. Save the skin for cable.

This was Mark...thanks for reading.