Sunday, February 01, 2004

No Evidence of Pressure from White House on CIA

From the Washington Post:

Congressional and CIA investigations into the prewar intelligence on Iraq's weapons and links to terrorism have found no evidence that CIA analysts colored their judgment because of perceived or actual political pressure from White House officials, according to intelligence officials and congressional officials from both parties.

Richard J. Kerr, a former deputy CIA director who is leading the CIA's review of its prewar Iraq assessment, said an examination of the secret analytical work done by CIA analysts showed that it remained consistent over many years.

"There was pressure and a lot of debate, and people should have a lot of debate, that's quite legitimate," Kerr said. "But the bottom line is, over a period of several years," the analysts' assessments "were very consistent. They didn't change their views."

Matt's Chat

Liberals, pay close attention...your President did NOT lie to you. All you have left is Hate Bush sentiment...good luck with seems to be doing wonders for Howard Dean.

Mark's Remarks

Liberals, I know you won't listen, but I have to try: NO ONE COOKED THIS UP! Mr. Kennedy, Chappteddy, you are so full of gas with your cooked up in Texas remarks. Your brothers are looking down from Heaven in shame at the joke you have made of the Kennedys. Botox Pelosi, please get a better surgeon, preferably one that removes the B.S. from your head and opens those earholes of yours.

Again, all you liberals will do is lie lie lie, and twist twist twist. You send out your little trolls like Mike "Miserable Failure" Moore and Terry "please keep me as Chair" McAulliffe to send out sound bites. You employ no talent hacks like Moby and Margarent Choad as your speakers and entertainers. You are a disgrace. You are taking what is an issue of grave importance, that being intelligence failures, and twisting it to your own ends, to get yourselves votes. Instead of asking how to fix it, you are merely looking for leverage in blame. You are treasonous, America hating frogs, who more and more make me ill. You will not listen, even as your party is becoming nothing more than a crying child of its former self, even as your candidates are nothing more than caricatures. Go ahead, continue on with your suicidal path liberals. I hope you only take yourselves out, and that your ideas of appeasement do not mean the death of most of us.