Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Press at the White House is OUT OF CONTROL

Rather than give you a pull quote, just check it out:

Audio (Real Audio)

Matt's Chat

Didn't these people's mamas teach them any respect? They are in the White House for crying out loud. They were acting like out of control children at a food fight.

They asked for proof. Proof was delivered and now proof isn't good enough. You just can't please these people. You give them an inch and they take you for a mile.

And don't buy the crap that the liberal media is feeding you now that the White House press corps has been "honeymooning" the White House. That isn't true. If you read the transcripts, as I do, on a regular basis you will see the crap that Scott has to go through every day with these fools. they ask stupid questions and then ask the questions again and again and again. It doesn't matter if he answers them or not because the barrage of vitriol just keeps on coming. It is like having Howard "How Weird" Dean, Teddy "Have Another Drink" Kennedy and Al "The Bore" Gore in the Press room everyday. I honestly don't know how Scott can keep from going in there with an Uzi and a couple of grenades.

Reporters need to learn respect. And they had better start reporting the truth instead of liberal spin and lies.

Mark's Remarks

Uzis and grenades? Hmm.....sounds like a magnificent plan, especially if it takes out Helen Thomas, that old fossil who reported on the George Washington Wooden Tooth scandal in the 1790s.

Seriously, these press corps are the most hateful and vitriolic. You know, the White House does not HAVE TO be open to the press. There is no law in the Constitution or the books that said we have to have the press in the White House. Maybe it is time for an eviction notice until they learn some friggin respect. But no, they would spin that into censorship. Look, YOU IGNORANT, BLIND TO THE TRUTH, SPINNING FOR YOUR LIBERAL WHINESIPPER PALS SYNCHOPANTS IN THE MEDIA, you were given the facts, you were given proof. John Kerry still doesn't answer questions about his voting record, doesn't answer questions about his failed first marriage, and doesn't answer qeustions about his possible killing of civilians in Vietnam. Why isn't he answering? The press isn't asking, despite many sources (including this site) coming up with evidence about Kerry's terrible voting record and his attitude, along with his flip flopping. They so want to have a President who bends to media pressure with tell alls and backstabbing via media that the press will do anything to get rid of Bush. They want scandal...they want poor leadership. They, the liberal press, want John Kerry. And they will spin and pepper the airwaves with their lies early and often in order to try to get you to want him, too. Do not fall for it. Kerry would set us back, not forward. He is no more the real deal than Milli Vanilli.