Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Harvard Crimson

Matt's Chat

You absolutely MUST read the article. Reports MUSt ask questions of Kerry. Kerry has got to retract this stuff if he wants to win. And more importantly, it isn't enough to just flip-flop; he MUST indicate what life-altering event occured that would make him flip-flop THIS much.

Mark's Remarks

Mr. Kerry is all about political gain. He would probably sell his soul to win. He sold out his brothers in Vietnam when he came back, calling them rapists and murderers. He sold out his campaign supporters in the gay community just a couple of weeks ago when he said he was against gay marriage after he had just said he was for it in 1996, when he voted against the Defense of Marriage Act. He sold out his first wife to marry someone with more money, after spending all hers. This man is all about personal gain and power, but he hides it behind his rockhard features and his whole "Real Deal" slogan. He is about as much a real deal as Pam Anderson's boobs.