Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Terrorism is Exaggerated...NOT

Ricin Found in Senate Building

From My Way News (AP):

Three Senate office buildings were closed Tuesday after a suspicious white powder, apparently delivered through the mail system, was found in the Senate majority leader's office. Officials said several preliminary tests - but not all of them - were positive for ricin, a deadly poison.

More definitive test results were expected later Tuesday.

"This is a criminal action," said Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., whose staff discovered the white powder in their Dirksen Senate Office Building mailroom Monday afternoon.

Dirksen and the other two main Senate office buildings were closed Tuesday as authorities were to remove and test all mail that has been delivered there. Senate officials were hoping that process would take only a day, said one congressional official speaking on condition of anonymity.

Matt's Chat

Let's see how this one develops... Preliminary tests tend to make these things sound worse than they are...hopefully that is the case here as well. My worldview couldn't stand the assault of realizing the possibility that Michael Moore and a few of the Democratic candidates could be wrong about terrorism.

Mark's Remarks

Why didn't John Kerry fly in and take a big ol' whiff of the powder, along with Ted Kennedy, Pelosi, and the rest of the bunch who say that the threat of terror is exaggerated? If there is exaggeration, why evacuate? Answer: because Pelosi and Co. don't really care about YOUR security as Americans. They only care about votes and trying to create THE BIG LIE: that there is no enemy. See, liberals actually feel sorry for the animals trying to destroy us, so they want to say there is no enemy, that the USA is in fact the enemy. Don't let them get away with this. Send them back to their cheap plastic surgeons, send them away from places of power where they can make America beholden to terror, and endanger men, women, and children.