Thursday, March 25, 2004

Further Adventures of Chief Wiggles

From Dean's World:
I [Dean] just got off the phone with Chief Wiggles. He is back in the states for the moment, and, although he may be going back to Iraq again soon, he's hoping to be allowed to be sent home for good soon.

The neat thing is that once he is home for good, Operation Give will be continuing and even expanding. Permanent contacts in Iraq have been made, and even more is being done here in the states to be expanding the operation.

We're going to be needing some folks to help with an expanded design of the Op Give web site. More on that later. But here's the neatest thing I've ever heard: some folks in Iraq are working on an all-Arabic language comic book entitled Chief Wiggles, and the Chief Wiggles name is going to turn into a name used as a mascot for the organization itself rather than just representing one guy.

A Chief Wiggles comic book. In Arabic. Distributed in Iraq. Can you imagine anything more cool?

Matt's Chat

Another sure sign that the Iraqi people do think of us as liberators rather than conquerers. Going to Iraq was the right thing to do... And while there are those who shout "Where are the WMDs?" that was not the sole reason for going. Those who do that aren't interested in what is best for the people of Iraq or America.

Enough soapboxing on that... Way to go Chief Wiggles! Another fine example of Blogger goodness...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, and here I thought we were in a terrible quagmire, bombing civilians and trampling on Iraqi women and children, not wanted, and besieged at all times.....I guess it is more Partisan Media(tm) and liberal spinning. You know, they hate people and stories like Chief Wiggles. They claim, it is all about the Children(tm), but when someone out there like a Chief Wiggles gets something going, they don't report it, they ignore it, and they hope it fails. So, I ask you, who really cares about the children, and who is just posturing?