Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Kerry Hires MoveOn

From Yahoo News (AP):
A strategist with, a group that Republicans accuse of being too closely tied to Democrat John Kerry's presidential campaign, is leaving to work for Kerry.

Zack Exley will be the Kerry campaign's director of online communications and organizing. He was the MoveOn political action committee's special projects director, focusing on research and mobilizing MoveOn supporters, Eli Pariser, the PAC's executive director, said Wednesday.

President Bush's campaign last week filed a government complaint accusing the Kerry campaign of illegally coordinating political ads and other election spending with and other pro-Democratic groups. Kerry, MoveOn and the others named in the complaint deny any wrongdoing.
Tim Perry says:
A sure sign that the campaign is about to dig down to an even lower level.

Matt's Chat

Can the Kerry campaign get any lower? I mean, really, the President has been called a deserter, a gang leader, and a murderer among other things...although not all of those gems came from the Kerry Team directly. But, you know, they all work together for HEINZ!!!

Mark's Remarks

Wow, there won't be any "cross planning" as banned by law, will there? This is very fishy.... At least they are being more obvious about it, and not engaging in the shadow operations most hamsters accuse conservatives of doing.....

HEINZ!!!!! Lie after lie after lie after lie....(wait, what I mean is nuance after nuance after nuance)...this was all cooked up in Taxachusetts.....I demand an investigation!