Friday, April 02, 2004

NYT Tries to Discredit Cheney's Anti-Kerry Role

Go read this three paragraph hack of an article from the New York Times and then come back.

Matt's Chat

How lame can the Grey Lady get? Whatever happened to talking about, you know, the issues? Oh, your guy is losing that let's harp on medical records. What, your guy hasn't made good on a promise to open his records? Neither has Cheney. Oh puh-leeeeeeeze. Cheney didn't promise that he would. Kerry did. What did he know and when did he know it. HEINZ! This was all cooked up in Taxachusetts. I demand an investigation. Lie after lie after lie after lie.

Mark's Remarks

This drivel sounds like schoolyard gripes and charges.." you did this....oh yeah, well your guy stinks and kisses frogs..." etc. This is sad that a paper that claimed to be the Paper of Record prints such garbage masking as news....and that they depart from, you know, THE ISSUES, and engage in this sniping....further proof that the Left grows more unhinged as days go by, that they would resort to this overt display of their immaturity and childish cry for power so publicly.....