Friday, April 02, 2004

More Insourcing

From Bloomberg via the Contra Costa Times
In a speech in Cleveland on March 10, [President Bush] said 10 percent of Honda's worldwide workforce lives in Ohio. Honda has two vehicle-assembly plants in two Ohio towns.

"About 16,000 Ohioans work for Honda, with good, high-paying jobs, and that's not counting the people who work at 165 different Ohio companies that supply Honda with parts and material," Bush said. "When politicians in Washington attack trade for political reasons, they don't mention these workers, or the 6.4 million other Americans who draw their paychecks from foreign companies."

Matt's Chat

The President is usual. If Kerry gets his way, what will happen with these jobs? There will be retaliation...Kerry is naive if he thinks there aren't consequences.

Mark's Remarks

The President is thinking of the big picture again, and thank goodness we don't have a small minded person like Kerry in right now. We are benefitting tremendously by trade, and if Kerry thinks that all these embargoes and other attacks on free trade he is proposing will work, look at history. The first trade embargo the US as a nation established was in the 1800s. It failed miserably and drove the fledling nation into depression. Likewise, other embargoes of such nature never work. Free trade is the answer. But, of course, if you want to pander to a group of angry, uneducated workers, then what better way than to say you will subsidize them having a job even if they don't give 100%? John Kerry is engaging in hateful divisive speech, but where are those who preach pluralism? They are standing with him, even as he seeks to divide us with his class warfare and hatespeech rhetoric.