Thursday, April 01, 2004

Soros Hit

From Bloomberg:
Billionaire financier George Soros had glue and water thrown on him by two unidentified people ahead of a human rights forum in Kiev, the Interfax news service reported.

The unidentified people flung glue and water at Soros and then were led from the room shouting anti-Soros statements, the news service said. Soros said he did not know who was behind the attack, the news service said.

Matt's Chat

Yeah, yeah...that's nice to see a liberal getting protested, but as usual when a liberal gets this kind of treatment, Big Media goes out of their way to make the guy look good. There is a story about WHY Soros got hit...I've heard pieces of it...and Big Media won't report it because it makes Soros look bad. You see, Soros isn't just interested in effecting the outcomes of elections in the United States...

Mark's Remarks

Soros is a scumbag, yep, A DIRTY SCUMBAG...How did he make his billions? He destablized several nations' economies, including Great Britain! He is morally vacant, a total humanistic self serving glutton of attention and power. The guy wants more power, and the libs (remember Bill and Al and Monkgate??) are just in love with his money....and here I thought Conservatives were the one who worshipped the dollar...if so, then why is every liberal it seems lining up for money from this socialist imperialist who wants to destablize and exploit our economy as he has others? Shameful, self-serving, and indeed, un-American.